Learning outdoors
in nature.

A child’s happiness, sense of security and safety provide the foundations upon which all future learning rests.
Our 105 place Forest School Nursery offers childcare from birth to 5 years.
What we offer
At Free Rangers we believe that a child’s happiness is the foundation upon which learning is built. Our highly qualified staff nurture every child’s self-esteem and self-confidence to ensure they embrace the opportunities on offer at Free Rangers.
Also staff take their lead from the children. They listen carefully and gently guide children in directions that will further their learning and development and inspire curiosity and wonderment.
Our Classes
According to their age children are based in the Cubs, Buzzy Bees, Slow Worms or Pre-school and assigned a key person who is the main point of contact for parents/carers.
Forest School
Forest School is a key approach to learning which underpins the Free Rangers ethos and lies at the heart of what we do.
The principles of Forest School are:
Using nature to provide a real context for learning
Using children’s preferred learning styles; being active, learning through practical outdoor experiences and employing all their senses
Using nature’s resources to facilitate learning
All sessions are delivered by a qualified Forest School practitioner and are fully risk assessed.
Aside from having fun children will develop their communication skills and learn to identify, interpret and manage risk. They will naturally become more inquisitive and learn new levels of perseverance whilst developing physically, socially and emotionally.